Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pics of My Classroom

Center Activity for Sequential or Chronological Order

I cut sentences of stories into strips. Students order them by sequence of steps or chronologically. They love this!

A Fun Idea for Teaching the Setting of a Story

My students sat down to their "place setting" as they began a journey through the elements of fiction. This " place setting" was a visual guide to ensure they captured the essential components of the story setting. So much fun!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Classroom Management Books I Read Every Summer

Teacher Jargon that Reveals a Lack of Vision

Use your time wisely.......
What should you be doing?
Listen up?
Eyes on Me
It's time to get down to business...
What did I just say?
Did I say talk?
I am waiting.....
Is it an emergency?
It's self explanatory....
Go back to your seat and try it again?
Pay attention

Banish the Boring

See the pic above.....BORING! So outdated. Have you ever thought about a total teaching makeover? If not, let me invite you to experience the transformation. Begin by clicking the " IN Vision" tab. Get ready!